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8 de marzo de 2010

International Woman's Day...

I don't know but every year, I said the same things... I'm not agree with this kind of 'International Celebration'...

And now, I just remember two terrific melodies that approach at my feelings and my ideas about this 'Show' too... Imagine & Woman, there are a greats songs and they're talking about my feelings, about my ideas. Because often I found myself dreaming and wondering about a more just world...

Maybe you say I'm a dreamer, just like the letter-song but I'm really sure that I'm not the only one... I think that all womans around the world, are be proud of be womans... Only we, the womans, knows how difficult could be try to live like a woman in a world full of 'machos'... And also, full of misogyny, abuses, injustices, deceives, felonies, sickness, happiness, sadness, and a lot of things that only we, the womans, could understand...

For me, Shaula Maya, this day only prove that in our world lives, predominates and persists a kind of hate and it survives to slant misogyny, laborals' abuses, laborals' injustices, violations to elementary rights, rapes, domestic violence, public scorns as lived as in the demagoguery of the Middle East even the own discrimination and violence to which ourselves as women, submit the others womans...

Nevertheless, you don't have any guilt or some like that... I'm just trying to be congruent with me, my opinios and my environment... The 'International Celebration' that I'm going to be glad to share and to celebrate it'll be the 'International day Of The Humanity'... But I believe that in order that it happens, even span is absent very much for crossing


Postscript : It has written in English because this way, my ideas flew!!! It was cool, I liked it, and the most importan fact is that I enjoyed it!!

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